What is Generalized Anxiety disorder?

Navigating Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Insights and Strategies As a licensed therapist and advocate for mental health awareness, I’m thrilled to launch a series aimed at enhancing understanding and providing support for various mental health conditions. Through this series, we aim to empower our readers with knowledge about disorders like Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) and shareContinue reading “What is Generalized Anxiety disorder?”

Unlocking Everyday Happiness…

Gratitude Practices for Everyday Mental Wellness As we continue our journey into the week of Thanksgiving, it’s opportune to explore practical gratitude exercises that extend beyond the holiday festivities. Gratitude, when woven into our daily lives, becomes a powerful tool for enhancing mental wellness. In this installment, we’ll unravel various gratitude practices—simple yet impactful—that individualsContinue reading “Unlocking Everyday Happiness…”

“Wait…There’s science behind being grateful?”

The Science of Gratitude: How Thankfulness Impacts Mental Well-being As we immerse ourselves in the spirit of Thanksgiving, it becomes an opportune moment to unravel the layers of gratitude and its intricate connection to our mental well-being. Beyond its role in holiday traditions, gratitude possesses a profound scientific influence on the neural and psychological landscape.Continue reading ““Wait…There’s science behind being grateful?””

“Why do I feel empty inside?”

Navigating the Void: Understanding and Overcoming Feelings of Emptiness The pervasive sense of emptiness, the feeling that something crucial is missing, is a common emotional landscape that many individuals navigate. In this article, we’ll explore the roots of this emptiness, its connection to mental health, coping mechanisms, and proactive strategies to ensure its prolonged absence.Continue reading ““Why do I feel empty inside?””

The Importance of Having Haters in Your Life: Navigating Criticism and Cultivating Success

In the journey of success, the presence of haters often emerges as an unexpected but valuable companion. In this exploration, we’ll delve into the definition of a hater, the historical perspective on haters, and why, paradoxically, having haters may be a sign of achievement. We’ll explore the psychological impact of facing criticism, how it oftenContinue reading “The Importance of Having Haters in Your Life: Navigating Criticism and Cultivating Success”

Do you ever ask yourself “Why do I feel better when I clean?”

The Therapeutic Power of Cleaning: Navigating Anxiety and Childhood Trauma In the midst of anxiety and the shadows of childhood trauma, a simple act often emerges as a surprising source of solace: cleaning. Many individuals grappling with anxiety find a peculiar comfort in tidying up their physical space. In this exploration, we delve into theContinue reading “Do you ever ask yourself “Why do I feel better when I clean?””

Decoding Motivation: Unveiling the Secrets to Sustainable Drive

Motivation is the engine that propels us toward our goals and aspirations. Yet, it remains a complex and elusive force. In this exploration, we’ll unravel the insights of experts on what motivation truly is, how it can be cultivated, the pitfalls that lead to its loss, and the strategies for making it a sustainable forceContinue reading “Decoding Motivation: Unveiling the Secrets to Sustainable Drive”

Honoring Veterans: Understanding PTSD and Promoting Healing

As we reflect on Veterans Day, it’s crucial to acknowledge the challenges many veterans face, particularly those dealing with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). This invisible battle affects veterans worldwide, impacting their mental well-being. In this article, we’ll delve into the connection between trauma and PTSD, highlight symptoms, explore treatment options, and suggest alternative avenues likeContinue reading “Honoring Veterans: Understanding PTSD and Promoting Healing”

Self-Sabotage: The Blinding Allure of Short-Term Gratification

Recently, in my therapy sessions, a couple of clients shared a striking insight: “When I am self-sabotaging, I only see the good in what I’m doing at the moment. I don’t see the chaos that it creates in the long run.” This self-sabotaging behavior, while common, can be incredibly destructive. In this blog post, we’llContinue reading “Self-Sabotage: The Blinding Allure of Short-Term Gratification”

Do My Friends Even Like Me? Understanding and Overcoming Insecurity

As a psychotherapist, I often encounter clients who grapple with the persistent and nagging thought: “Do my friends even like me?” This common concern can be paralyzing, affecting self-esteem, relationships, and overall well-being. In this article, we will explore the potential causes of this thought, how to distinguish it from delusion or anxiety, and offerContinue reading “Do My Friends Even Like Me? Understanding and Overcoming Insecurity”

“Navigating the Emotional Rollercoaster of House-Hunting in an Overpriced Real Estate Market”

Hello dear readers. Today, I’d like to discuss a topic that has been on my mind recently, both personally and professionally. As a psychotherapist with a thriving private practice, I often find myself helping clients navigate the emotional challenges that come with searching for a home in a grossly overpriced real estate market. In thisContinue reading ““Navigating the Emotional Rollercoaster of House-Hunting in an Overpriced Real Estate Market””

“What Causes Executive Dysfunction, and Can You Overcome It?”

Have you ever found yourself wondering why simple tasks feel insurmountable, or why your motivation seems to slip through your fingers? The phenomenon of executive dysfunction poses these questions. In this article, we will delve into the factors that can trigger executive dysfunction, exploring the cognitive, biological, and emotional causes that underlie this complex challenge.Continue reading ““What Causes Executive Dysfunction, and Can You Overcome It?””

“ADHD and Video Games: Navigating the Pros and Cons for Kids and Adolescents”

As a psychotherapist, I’ve often been asked about the role of video games in the lives of children and adolescents with ADHD (Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder). It’s a topic that sparks many debates and discussions among parents, educators, and healthcare professionals. In this article, I want to shed light on the pros and cons of letting kidsContinue reading ““ADHD and Video Games: Navigating the Pros and Cons for Kids and Adolescents””

“Psychotherapy Through the Ages: Chilling Tales from the Past”

We’re about to embark on a journey into the eerie history of psychotherapy and psychology, just in time for Halloween. Prepare yourself for bone-chilling accounts of the ghastly, outdated practices and beliefs that once haunted my profession. Get ready for an unsettling exploration of the sinister stories from the past! Section 1: The Dark AgesContinue reading ““Psychotherapy Through the Ages: Chilling Tales from the Past””

Understanding and Managing Emotional Triggers: A Path to Self-Healing

Introduction Emotions are an integral part of the human experience. They color our world, influencing how we perceive and respond to situations, people, and events. At times, emotions can be intense, and they may seem to arise suddenly and uncontrollably. This phenomenon is what we commonly refer to as being “triggered.” In this article, weContinue reading “Understanding and Managing Emotional Triggers: A Path to Self-Healing”

The Healing Power of Hobbies: A Psychotherapist’s Perspective

In the quest for psychological well-being, it’s essential to recognize that life’s richness lies in a balance between work and leisure. Hobbies, those activities that we engage in for pure pleasure and enjoyment, are potent tools for enhancing our mental health and overall quality of life. In this article, I, as a psychotherapist, will introduceContinue reading “The Healing Power of Hobbies: A Psychotherapist’s Perspective”

Halloween and Its Impact on Mental Health

Halloween, celebrated annually on October 31st, is a widely popular holiday known for costumes, decorations, and various festivities. While Halloween is generally a fun and enjoyable holiday, it’s important to recognize that it can also bring about certain mental health challenges. This paper explores the psychological aspects of Halloween and the potential mental health issuesContinue reading “Halloween and Its Impact on Mental Health”

Coping with an Aging Parent: Navigating Cognitive Decline with Compassion

Introduction Caring for an aging parent can be a challenging and emotional journey, particularly when cognitive decline is involved. As our loved ones age, they may experience changes in memory, cognition, and behavior, which can place additional stress on family relationships. In this article, we will explore strategies and insights to help you navigate theContinue reading “Coping with an Aging Parent: Navigating Cognitive Decline with Compassion”

Jean Piaget and the Art of Child-Parent Communication

Introduction Effective communication between parents and children is a cornerstone of healthy child development. One of the pioneers in the field of child psychology, Dr. Jean Piaget, has provided valuable insights into how children think, learn, and communicate. This paper explores the life and work of Dr. Piaget, and offers practical tips for parents toContinue reading “Jean Piaget and the Art of Child-Parent Communication”

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) in the Treatment of Borderline Personality Disorder

By Raymond Navarro LMHC, Certified DBT Psychotherapist Introduction Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), developed by Dr. Marsha Linehan, has emerged as a highly effective and widely recognized therapeutic approach for individuals with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). This paper explores the core concepts of DBT, the symptoms of BPD, detailed treatment options, and offers guidance for familyContinue reading “Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) in the Treatment of Borderline Personality Disorder”

Unlocking the Power of Exposure Therapy: Insights from Renowned Experts

Introduction Anxiety and trauma-related disorders cast a long shadow over the lives of those who suffer from them. The darkness of these conditions can be debilitating, robbing individuals of their peace of mind and overall well-being. Fortunately, exposure therapy has emerged as a powerful tool in the treatment of these disorders, offering a path towardContinue reading “Unlocking the Power of Exposure Therapy: Insights from Renowned Experts”

Coping with the Psychological Impact of Ongoing Conflicts: Survivor Guilt, Resilience, and Healing

Introduction In a world that’s perpetually marred by conflicts and wars, the impact on mental health can be profound and far-reaching. At present, the ongoing crises in Ukraine and Palestine are causing anxiety, depression, and a myriad of psychological distress in countless individuals across the globe. It is essential to address these issues and provideContinue reading “Coping with the Psychological Impact of Ongoing Conflicts: Survivor Guilt, Resilience, and Healing”

The Evolution of Meditation in Psychotherapy: Benefits and Effective Techniques for Managing Anxiety and Negative Thoughts

Introduction The integration of meditation into psychotherapy represents a significant evolution in the field of mental health treatment. Over the years, meditation has emerged as a valuable therapeutic tool, offering a holistic approach to managing psychological challenges. This paper explores the evolution of meditation in psychotherapy, highlighting its benefits, and provides tips on the mostContinue reading “The Evolution of Meditation in Psychotherapy: Benefits and Effective Techniques for Managing Anxiety and Negative Thoughts”

The Power of Anxiety…

I always say that every good therapist’s first client is themselves. We’re just like everyone else we’ve just learned more coping skills than most and went to school for a long time. However it was in that gauntlet of colleges, universities and grad school in which I learned the tools I needed to combat myContinue reading “The Power of Anxiety…”

Do We Really Need Friends?

By Raymond Navarro MS LMHC 8/15/2021 What is a friend anyway? As a therapist I am constantly telling my clients how important it is to have friends and the positive effects of spending time with them. I tell them how everyone needs a strong support system and that we all need people we can confideContinue reading “Do We Really Need Friends?”

The Overwhelming Sound of Pain

by Ray Navarro MS “I have learned now that while those who speak about one’s miseries usually hurt, those who keep silence hurt more”  (C.S. Lewis). When you think of pain do you think physical or mental? When I was growing up there was a constant debate about nurture vs nature. People argued their pointContinue reading “The Overwhelming Sound of Pain”

Fighting Paralysis

By Ray Navarro MS I know I probably should’ve told some of you about this earlier but sometimes a blessing can appear to be a curse. This is a good thing for me, be happy for me. We learn from suffering, it is the ultimate teacher and I am looking forward to evolving…

We defy Foundation Veterans Day event

Hey guys as an abassador at the We Defy Foundation Im proud to invite you to join us this Veterans Day in celebrating and honoring those that risk their lives everyday for us. Whether you want to sign up you and your friends for a 5k run or your a dojo that is willing toContinue reading “We defy Foundation Veterans Day event”

What is Boredom?

By Ray Navarro MS What’s that quote “an idle mind is the devils playground”? I don’t know, I’ll have to look that one up later. I’m sitting here, my girlfriends is in front of me working on her crafts business, her kids are running around the house making noise and doing God knows what, I’mContinue reading “What is Boredom?”

Boise’s Leading Local News: Weather, Traffic, Sports and more | Boise, Idaho | KTVB.com | ktvb.com

Boise’s Leading Local News: Weather, Traffic, Sports and more | Boise, Idaho | KTVB.com | ktvb.com — Read on http://www.google.com/amp/s/www.ktvb.com/amp/article/news/health/coronavirus/fear-of-coronavirus-long-term-quarantine-negatively-affects-mental-health-university-of-idaho-study-finds/277-6c63cd8a-8dac-4ad7-b18d-2e2b559f7b47 I usually don’t post news articles on this site But it’s important to understand where we are in the battle with mental health and the effect that the coronavirus is having on it. While we’veContinue reading “Boise’s Leading Local News: Weather, Traffic, Sports and more | Boise, Idaho | KTVB.com | ktvb.com”

The True Social Distancing…

By Ray Navarro MS When most people think of social distancing they think of masks and 6 feet. Is that what you think of? Because I don’t. I think of my daughters. What’s happening to my fourteen year old terrifies me of the present, and looking at my 8 year old scares me of whatContinue reading “The True Social Distancing…”

Researchers Doubt That Certain Mental Disorders Are Disorders At All

What if mental disorders like anxiety, depression or post-traumatic stress disorder aren’t mental disorders at all? — Read on http://www.forbes.com/sites/alisonescalante/2020/08/11/researchers-doubt-that-certain-mental-disorders-are-disorders-at-all/amp/ Just wanted to share this interesting perspective on mental disorders. Comments?

6 Trauma Sensitive yoga and mindfulness tools to support youth

https://drive.google.com/file/d/17MXTJbzC087CIwVkrKfgkPXHkoa31h0T/view?usp=sharing Every day that we wake up we are struggling with the trauma of living in a pandemic. Maybe some of us adults can get through it but our kids, most of them, have not developed the skills they need to move forward. The resource I found for yoga and mindfulness tools is a greatContinue reading “6 Trauma Sensitive yoga and mindfulness tools to support youth”